

2024 August Special

New members may join for a special August 1 through Labor Day unbonded membership for 1/2 of the price of a full season unbonded membership which is being considered for introduction in 2025.

2024 Memberships Now Available!

Membership in the Teaneck Swim Club is now open to all, regardless of residency. If we come close to capacity, Teaneck residents will have priority. Dues and fees for 2024 will be the same for everyone, regardless of residency.

Each member unit pays $200 membership dues ($150 first year for new members paying full bond) plus a season admission fee based on the size of the family. All family units must reside in the same residence and include one or two adults.

The four size categories and their respective season admission fees are:

  • Single (one adult): $330 (with $50 new member discount)
  • Family of 2 (one adult / one child age 2-25): $420 (with $50 new member discount)
  • Family of 2 (two adults): $480 (with $50 new member discount)
  • Family of 3 or more (one or two adults and their children 25 and under): $595 (with $50 new member discount)
    • Each additional adult over 25 living in the same residence: $215
    • Caregiver (regardless of residence): $215
    • Each additional grandchild 12 or under (regardless of residence): $110
  • All rates on this page have been discounted for payment by check. The undiscounted rates for paying online are approximately 3% higher and can be calculated on the online payment page.

There are a limited number of senior memberships. Seniors pay the same dues and season admission fees but are not required to have a bond.
Senior memberships are at capacity at this time, but seniors may join as regular bonded or pre-bonded members. 

When senior memberships become available in the future, they will be offered to existing members who meet the eligibility criteria, giving priority to seniors who have been eligible members for the longest time. If a senior membership is offered and accepted, the bond or any pre-bond payments will be refunded. The offer of a senior membership can be refused or postponed if the eligible member wishes to retain voting rights or the right to serve on the Board of Trustees, or if the eligible senior holds and wishes to continue with a “family of three or more” membership.

To be eligible for senior membership, the individual or at least one of the individuals of a couple must be age 65 or older, and a resident of Teaneck. Once a senior membership is granted, it may be retained if the member moves out of Teaneck.  Only single and “family of two” memberships can be converted to senior memberships. A “family of three or more” could be downgraded to a single or couple membership for the following season and the offer of senior membership would take effect beginning with the new season.

A previous resident who held a senior membership but was forced to give up their membership because they moved out of Teaneck, may reclaim their senior membership on request.

All other memberships must either be bonded or pre-bonded. The bond represents an ownership interest and is in the amount of $500 and is eligible to be refunded (using bond and pre-bond payments from new members) when membership is resigned in writing before March 25th in accordance with the Teaneck Swim Club Bylaws. In order to reduce the burden of paying the bond, it can be paid in $125 payments over the course of four years. Members who have not completed their bond payments are considered pre-bonded members, and their partial bonds are not refundable in the event of resignation prior to becoming fully bonded. Only bonded members can vote at membership meetings, and serve on the Board of Trustees. Currently, our bylaws and the terms of our lease do not allow non-residents of Teaneck to be voting members or serve on the Board. We are working to change that, but until and unless we succeed, the bond and pre-bond payments of non-residents are considered “bond equivalents.” The refund rules for “bond equivalents” are the same as the refund rules for bonds. New members who pay their bond in full with their first-year dues, will receive a one-time $50 reduction in dues for the first year.

Existing Members

Dues and season admission fees for existing members are the same as for new members. Returning partially bonded members can choose to become bonded or remain pre-bonded but must add at least 125 and reach 250, 375 or 500. Returning members will receive a $50 early payment discount if they pay in full by March 25th, or a $25 discount if they pay in full by May 15th.

All rates on this page have been discounted for payment by check. The undiscounted rates for paying online are approximately 3% higher and can be calculated on the online payment page.

Applications for New Members

Anyone wishing to apply for membership in the Teaneck Swim Club is invited to write to the Teaneck Swim Club, P.O. Box 148, Teaneck, NJ 07666 requesting an application. Applications are available via download here, and will also be available at the Teaneck Swim Club once it opens for the 2024 season. Completed applications should be mailed to the address shown in the application with a check for the membership fees.

Existing members must pay dues every year to maintain membership in good standing, but do not have to pay the season admission fee if not planning to use the facility in any given year.  Bonds cannot be used as the source of any dues or fees.

Application for New Membership (fillable PDF)
Returning Member Information Form (fillable PDF)
Final Week “Staycation”  Information and Registration – 2024 (fillable PDF)
“Staycation”  Information and Registration – 2024 (fillable PDF)
August 2024 New Member Application (fillable PDF)

Click here to pay online via credit card, debit card, apple pay, google pay, etc.
All rates on this website, invoices, information sheets, Facebook, etc. have been discounted for payment by check. The undiscounted rates for paying online are approximately 3% higher and can be calculated on the online payment page. For the 2024 August special, the full online payment prices and the discounted check prices are shown directly on the information sheet. For all other membership payments, a calculator on the linked page will calculate the undiscounted total payment which you must enter, as well as the amount of the check payment discount.
*** Please note that for retuning members, a new information form is required ***